The Scoring Machine

The Scoring Machine
Remote Scoring

The objective of Remote Scoring is to plan and set up an Event on a desktop computer (portable or not), then distribute that work to one or more remote devices on the course or in the 19th hole where scoring takes place.  Eventually, then, all the results are ultimately returned to the desktop device for long-term safekeeping and perhaps further review or reporting.

These scoring objectives are met with Mulligan’s Eagle running on your Mac, where you would configure an Event to be scored – specifying the course to be played, the style and handicapping of the competition, the competitors, scorecard teams or pairings, and all the other special requirements of a golf outing or Event.  The on-course scoring capabilities are provided by The Scoring Machine, installed on one or more mobile devices, receiving their setup “instructions” from Eagle, accepting on-course scores and, if required, sending those scores to other devices and eventually back to Eagle on the desktop.

Eagle Remote Selection

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Remote Scoring depends on an intermediate storage method available across devices - desktop and mobile - with WiFi or cellular access for remote devices.

Mulligan’s Eagle must be configured in the Remote panel of its Preferences to use either Dropbox or iCloud for intermediate data.  Both require that the mobile account ID used by all devices be the same. 

Eagle Event Publish

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Once an Event is configured in Mulligan’s Eagle, with the course, competition and competitors specified, the information about the Event (called a “Session List”) is published into intermediate storage for retrieval and use by mobile devices.

TSM Settings

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Remote Scoring features are enabled with the Remote Data item in The Scoring Machine’s Settings.

TSM Remote Data

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The Remote Data features can be disabled, or enabled and initiated using iCloud or Dropbox.  Dropbox requires a user ID and password to access the dedicated Mulligan Scoring folder in its built-in Apps folder.

To use Dropbox, the user of Mulligan’s Eagle and the users of all the mobile scoring devices must use the same Dropbox account.

To use iCloud, the Mac user and any mobile device users must be using the same Apple ID.

For real-time on-course updates between mobile devices, enable the Publish Partial Scores option.

TSM Events List

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When Remote Data features are enabled, a Download button is available in the navigation bar of the Events list and Scorecards list screens.

Locked Scorecards are indicated in the Scorecards list with a lock icon.

Locked Events – those with at least one locked Scorecard – are indicated in the Events list with a lock icon.

You are prohibited from modifying information or scores on a locked Event or Scorecard, but you can monitor those results.

TSM Event Import

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Load an Event created elsewhere onto your mobile device in an unlocked state for editing and scoring, or locked – with all of the Scorecards in the Event locked.

You may unlock individual Scorecards – usually the one you’re scoring – from the Scoreboard.

Importing an Event brings the data about its course and each of the contestants with it.  Those remain on your mobile device even after the Event is eventually deleted.

Eagle Import Menu

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Once remote scoring is complete, Mulligan’s Eagle allows you to import scores (by Scorecard) from intermediate Dropbox or iCloud storage to be merged into the original Event…

Eagle Import Dropbox

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Results may be automatically or manually merged into an existing Event, or recorded in Mulligan’s Eagle as standalone Scorecard-based scores.

Merged scores are available for Eagle’s statistical use, reporting, handicapping and long-term storage.

Mulligan Software

Bullard, TX  75757


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